2007 Mandarin Orange Puerh:
Extremely popular in China, the 2007 Mandarin Orange Puerh is 10 year aged Puerh from Yunnan province packed inside a small mandarin orange rind (skin). Each ball is packaged in foil to hold in the orange-citrus aroma that permeates this aged puerh.
Each Mandarin Orange Puerh ball is roughly 9-12 grams and can be steeped repeatedly (see directions tab).
Sheng Puerh Tea, Mandarin Orange Rind
2007 Mandarin Orange Puerh Preparation
Western Style Preparation: Break off roughly 3 grams (about a teaspoon) of puerh and orange rind and add to infuser. Steep 2-3 minutes with boiling water. Re-steep a second time for 3-4 minutes. Try additional infusions at 5 minutes each while you are still happy with the taste & strength of infusion. Store any unused mandarin orange puerh in an open zip-lock bag away from any strong aromas (a home office is a great location). This tea can continue to age for years to come if desired.
Asian Style Preparation: Using a medium size Gaiwan infuse 2/3 to one whole mandarin orange ball with boiling water. Perform a quick wash by pouring boiling water over the mandarin orange puerh ball before immediately discarding. Then steep 20 seconds and pour off into a cup or small pitcher and enjoy. Steep a second time for about 15 seconds and enjoy. Steep 6-10 more times adding slightly to the infusion time subsequent infusion.